Friday, October 14, 2011

The One With the Lack of Curses

While I procrastinate on getting out my thoughts on the next two album 54 shows, why not listen to my new review of "For the Birds" and find out if I think Eugene was out-of-character in this episode, if Wooton was a welcome addition, and my other opinions on the show?


Christian A. said...

I'm so sorry I still don't have time to listen. You keep putting out more, so it's just piling up more work for me. I still haven't put out a review for A Penny Saved.

I qualified for the National Competition in the National Bible Bee, so I'm really focused on that right now. And I'm trying to do that along with doing school every day--and I still have to run my own blog. :|

I'll do my best to find some time soon.

Unknown said...

I'm really surprised that you like this episode. Wow! I thought "Maybe Dave is turning over a new leaf!...Nah!" LOL

Loved hearing your review!